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Inspired by the
story of Emmett Till, we made America see Gun Violence without a filter.

A sticker that acts similar to an organ donor designation, letting others know your wishes that should you die from gun violence, you want the graphic post-shooting images of your body to be publicized for the world to see.

We created this project and brought it to life with Columbine High School students leading up to the 20th anniversary of the Columbine Shooting.

We’re proud of the project and its accomplishments:

  • #4 Globally Trending on Twitter

  • Lead story on CNN on day of launch

  • Parkland shooting survivors and activists David and Lauren Hogg became faces of the #MyLastShot movement.

  • TIME Magazine featured an in-depth feature of #MyLastShot in the magazine and online.

  • U.S. Representative Eric Swallwell endorsed #MyLastShot sharing it numerous times.

  • A U.S. Senator used #MyLastShot on the Senate floor to help pass Colorado’s most comprehensive gun bill to date.

  • #MyLastShot changed industry photography guidelines. Poynter Institute changed their policies towards graphic imagery to accommodate #MyLastShot pledgees.

  • More than 65,000 stickers on ID’s to date from a completely grassroots project.

  • #MyLastShot was covered by every major news source, and shared by 300 news networks around the world.



#MyLastShot shook the world to its core, leading to global discussion and actual gun-reform.

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